Seed Library

What Is the Seed Library?

Whether you’re just learning about gardening or are an established gardener looking for new things to try, you can get seeds at the library! You can get a paper order form at the library or make a request online below between March 1 and June 1, when our seed library program is active.

You can also check out a gardening kit for the tools you need to get started planting!

Picture of Seed Library in a repurposed card catalog cabinet
Seeds stored in repurposed card catalog.
Open blue case with hand gardening tools, including trowels, snips, rake, and sprayer
Gardening hand tool kit.

How Does It Work?

Green icon of file with pen icon

Step 1

Pick up an order form at the library or fill out the online form below.

Green numbered list icon

Step 2

Make your seed selections. You can select up to 10 different types.

Green "halfway" hourglass icon

Step 3

Wait 24 hours for us to prepare your seed order.

Green hand holding seedling icon

Step 4

Pick up your seeds at the library!

Request Seeds

Thank you for your interest in our Seed Library.

  1. Select up to 10 types of seeds you would like to have (ONLY 1 packet of each type, please)
  2. Give us 24 hours to fill your order
  3. Pick up your custom seed order at the library

Select up to 10 types of seeds. You will receive 1 packet of each kind you choose.

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